Today, most people are aware of the importance of road safety. Numerous campaigns are in place to educate the public on how to drive safely. But sometimes, the little things can have a significant impact. This is why you need to be aware of these road safety tips and put them into practice. By doing so, you will be well on your way to avoiding accidents and reaching your destination safely. Even with these tips, accidents can still happen; sometimes, you need a professional and reliable towing company like Marietta Wrecker Service.
We all know that driving can be a stressful experience. The pressure of getting to work on time, ensuring that your kids get to school safely, and getting everything done during the day can add up. But what if you could make it easier? What if there were some simple things that you could do before getting in the car that would make your commute less stressful? Here, Marietta Wrecker Service discusses ten road safety tips to utilize in 2023.
Why Are Road Safety Tips Important?
When driving, you must always be aware of your surroundings. You should focus not only on the road but also on other drivers and vehicles in your vicinity. Driving is not just about getting from point A to point B but also about safety. You want to ensure that you’re driving safely and keeping yourself and others around you safe. Road safety tips can help keep you safe while driving and reduce the risk of accidents. By following these tips, you’ll avoid any accidents while driving on the road.
1. Is the Vehicle Safe For the Trip?
Before heading out, you should test your car’s performance in the following areas:
- Do you have the right level of fluids? Check your oil level and fill up if necessary. You should also check your tire pressure levels regularly before heading out on a long trip or if there’s a chance for bad weather conditions during your trip (such as snow storms).
- Are the lights working? Ensure all lights are working correctly before heading out for any trip. These include brakes, turn signals, license plates, and reverse lights.
- Are the wipers working? If you have them on and they need to clear the windshield better, they may need to be replaced. Poorly functioning windshield wipers could be a sign that you need new ones — and that’s something you should take care of right away.
- Do the tires have good pressure, and are they in good condition? Not only is it essential to check your tire pressure regularly, but it’s also vital that all four tires have equal pressure levels, so your car handles correctly at all times. If one tire is underinflated or overinflated, it can affect your car’s handling while driving down the road. That’s why it’s so important to ensure all of your tires are properly inflated.
- Does the brake pad make strange noises, or are the brakes responsive? Are they wearing down unevenly? If so, get them replaced soon.
- Does anything leak? Oil lubricates various parts of your engine, so they don’t wear out prematurely or create friction against each other when they move around inside the engine compartment. If there isn’t enough oil in your engine for proper lubrication, these parts will begin rubbing together, and there will be a failure.
- Does your defroster work? If you have ever driven on a cold morning, you know how important it is to have a working defroster system. Even if you don’t notice any frost on your windows, your defroster may be out of adjustment or clogged with dirt or debris from the road. Check to see if it’s blowing warm air and that there aren’t any blockages preventing heat from reaching your windshield.
2. Do Not Drive When Sleepy
Driving is a complex task that requires you to be aware of everything around you and keep track of all the actions your body is taking. It can be difficult for even the most seasoned driver to stay alert for extended periods of time.
Driver fatigue is a serious problem that can result in serious injuries or death. Fatigue occurs when you are not getting enough sleep or if you are driving when you should be sleeping. Some people may also experience drowsiness after eating or drinking alcohol or caffeine. In contrast, others may feel sleepy during long journeys, primarily when they work night shifts and need to drive home afterward.
3. Avoid Distractions
Distracted driving is one of the leading causes of car accidents. You should never take your eyes off the road. When you’re behind the wheel, avoid eating or drinking anything that requires you to use your hands. Don’t talk on your phone or text while driving. Even if it is hands-free, it takes your attention away from the task.
4. Bring an Emergency Kit and First Aid Kit With You
Keeping an emergency kit in your car is always a good idea. This way, if something happens while driving, you have everything you need to get yourself out of danger. The kit should include items like jumper cables, a flashlight, batteries (including extra batteries), jumper cables, and other tools for changing tires or performing minor repairs if needed. It should also contain first aid supplies, including bandages and antiseptic wipes, in case someone gets injured in an accident or cuts themselves on something sharp inside the vehicle (such as broken glass).
5. Obey the Speed Limit
Speed limits are there for a reason — they keep us safe as we travel down roads crowded with other cars, trucks, and pedestrians. Do not go above speed limits because doing so could result in serious consequences, including a ticket or an accident that may result in serious injuries or death. If you’re going too fast for conditions, slow down until conditions improve — don’t risk getting pulled over by police officers who will likely issue a summons.
6. Practice Defensive Driving
Defensive driving is being aware of your surroundings, avoiding risky behaviors, and anticipating problems before they occur. You’re less likely to be involved in an accident when you practice defensive driving.
7. Leave Enough Space Between You and Other Cars
If another driver seems distracted or angry, don’t crowd them or get too close. You may be dangerous if you don’t give yourself enough room.
8. Store Items Appropriately
Ensure all passengers have their seat belts fastened and any loose items are secured in your vehicle before starting your trip. Put small items like cell phones, wallets, and purses into the glove compartment or center console. This way they aren’t distracting while driving.
9. Plan Route and Rest Stops Beforehand
Familiarize yourself with the route you’ll take before getting on the road so you can plan for any delays or stops.
10. Change Driving Habits as Necessary for Bad Weather
Driving in bad weather is never easy, but it’s more dangerous than normal. That’s why taking extra precautions when driving in bad weather is essential.
Bad weather can sneak up on you. You might have sunshine when you set out in the morning, but a storm may have blown in by lunchtime. To keep yourself safe while driving, pay attention to the weather forecast so that you can change your driving habits accordingly if necessary.

CALL Marietta Wrecker Service Today!
When your car breaks down, a tow truck is called to help get it to a repair or service shop. The tow truck driver may be another driver who has worked for different wrecker companies or has just started working for one. In either case, you want to ensure the driver arrives safely and have someone who can provide you with the best towing service possible. Marietta Wrecker Service has got you covered! Give us a call today!