Driving in the rain can be dangerous. As roads become slick and wet, the chances of hydroplaning or getting into an accident increase tremendously. With that being said there are a number of things you can do to prevent an accident in the rain. Here Marietta Wrecker discusses several safety tips for driving in the rain.
Check Your Car’s Equipment
Check your headlights, taillights, and windshield wipers to make sure that they are working properly. It is also important to check the tread of your vehicle’s tires. Worn down tires reduce traction on wet roads. Without good traction, the likelihood of hydroplaning increases.
Slow Down
Wet roads are very dangerous. Your vehicle’s reaction time is much slower when it is raining. Reduced speed is imperative in rainy weather. By slowing down, you allow your car more time to react to a possible accident or hydro-plan.
Turn On Your Headlights
In the state of Georgia, it is required for drivers to turn on their vehicles’ lights while driving in rain. Even if it is only misting, turning on your vehicle’s headlights will increase both your own visibility and other drivers’ ability to see your car on the road.

Use Your Windshield Wipers
While this may seem like common sense, some people forget to turn on their windshield wipers in light rain. Most cars’ windshield wiper speed is adjustable to clear moisture from the glass in a light mist or in a heavy downpour. There are also several products available that can be sprayed or wiped onto the glass and claim to defer the collection of rainwater. Your wipers should be replaced if you can hear a scraping noise or see some streaking from the blades
Keep A Safe Distance
It has been said to normally keep a car’s length for every 10 mph you are driving. When it rains that distance should increase. Keeping a greater distance between your vehicle and the car in front of you decreases the chances of an accident.
Avoid Standing Water If Possible
Driving through standing water can cause hydroplaning to occur. Hydroplaning is when a car glides over water not allowing the traction of your tires to touch the road. This can be very dangerous and lead to life-threatening accidents. To avoid hydroplaning, drive around places where water has collected by changing lanes or safely steering around. If your car hydroplanes, calmly take your foot off the accelerator and steer in the direction that the front of your car needs to go. Avoid making sudden turns or slamming on your brakes.
Ventilate Your Car
Rain causes humidity levels to increase. You may find that your vehicle’s windows become foggy when it is raining. Most cars’ ventilation systems include a function that will work to reduce this type of fog that develops on the interior of your windows and windshield. If you find that you still cannot see through your windshield, it’s important to safely pull to the side of the road till your windows are visible.

Need A Tow?
Accidents happen. Driving in the rain increases these accidents and can leave you stranded on the side of the road. If you find yourself in an accident and have suffered an injury, call 911 immediately. Once you have the right personnel on the way call a towing company like Marietta Wrecker. We will dispatch the closest tow truck driver to your location to help you out of any situation you may be in. Give us a call today!